Thursday, July 10, 2008

UpdateListItems fails with “%20” urls

The web service Lists.asmx has the web method UpdateListItems that allows you to add, edit or delete an item in a list or document library. In the batch xml you need to put the FileRef parameter as the url of the item or folder when you are working with a document library. If your url has blanks the browser will replace it with "%20" and it is not valid for the UpdateListItems. So, you need to put the url with blanks qnd all works.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I want to make one comment about this method. It cannot be used out of a SharePoint context because inside it uses SPControl.GetContextWeb(HttpContext.CurrentIL. I wanted to use it to send an email from a timer job.

Have you any idea to send an email using the web applications settings for the outgoing mail from a timer job?

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