Monday, October 15, 2007

SPUtility.HideTaiwan - What does it do?

Thanks to intellisense I have discovered this method. The MSDN documentation about it is empty and I have "googled" it and I have found another related post but without any response.

Anybody knows what would happen if I execute it? SharePoint is scaring me…


Unknown said...

hi, das beste was ich gefunden habe ist:
Das ganze mit bubblefish von Koreanisch in Englisch zu übersetzen bringt mir nicht viel. Aber irgendwie hat es was mit der Zeichensatz derer Sprache zu tun, dass bestimmte Zeichen ausgeblendet werden.

Anonymous said...

What's the fuck is HideTaiwan , you looser ?

Get a fucking job!

Anonymous said...

Documentation isn't very descriptive:

Reflector shows us:

public static bool HideTaiwan(SPWeb spWeb, int localeId)
bool flag = true;
if (((spWeb.Language != 0x404) || (localeId == 0x804)) || ((localeId == 0xc04) || (localeId == 0x1404)))
if (spWeb.Language == 0x804)
return flag;
if (localeId != 0x404)
return flag;
CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo(0x404, false);
Calendar calendar = new TaiwanCalendar();
info.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = calendar;
if (info.DateTimeFormat.GetEraName(1).Length <= 0)
return flag;
return false;

Anonymous said...


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